ePlatform for the

Management of Public Works

PRICE 3 Contractors Portal

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  • Contractor License approval reinstated in PRICE Software on 03-03-2023
  • PRICE PMU portal launched on 30-03-2022
  • PRICE3 LSGD launched on 01-04-2022
  • PRICE3 Irrigation launched on 07-04-2022
  • PRICE3 Irrigation launched on 07-04-2022

About Price

Project Information & Cost Estimation (PRICE) software is a revolutionary initiative of Government of Kerala which aims to unify the work methodology, rates across the state irrespective of Department and Organizations who uses public money for infrastructure works. This software provides systematic guidance and control in administration and execution of infrastructure projects within the frame work of prevailing Government rules, norms and guidelines.

As per of the e-Governance initiatives of Kerala PWD during 2012, the idea for the development of an online platform for the routine work management activities of PWD was originated and the Government vide GO(Rt) No-1482/12/PWD dated 18-8-2012 entrusted the Project Director of Kerala State Transport Project to develop an application software for computerising the estimate preparation, Administrative Sanction , Technical Sanction, tendering, Bill payment etc in PWD under the Institutional Strengthening Action Plan(ISAP) component of KSTP-1. This has culminated the development of software named as PRICE (Project Information and Cost Estimation). The National Informatics Centre- Kerala was entrusted with the development and implementation of PRICE software.

PRICE software is developed as a web based online system in which all processing is being done at the central server and the only need at the client side is an internet browser. The pilot phase of the software with provision of estimate preparation and approvals based on defined workflows and standard data & rates were implemented in Kerala PWD during 2014 and based on its immense response and reliability, the Kerala Government have decided to implement this software for all other engineering departments and Public Sector Undertakings which uses public money for infrastructure creation works. Now, this pilot phase of PRICE software is implemented in eight engineering departments and more than 120 Public Sector undertakings.

During 2017, the second phase development of PRICE software project started at a total cost of Rs.1.4 Crores which includes implementation of all other technical activities like Bill preparation, Work management and project monitoring, e-payment, contractor management, services management , Asset management etc. The pilot phase of PRICE second phase with provisions for asset database, bid document generation, e-measurement, e-bill generation, revised estimate preparation etc were implemented in PWD from 1-6-2019 as PRICE-2.

In order to implement PRICE-2 in all other engineering departments and PSUs, the Government have decided to upgrade the PRICE-2 software to an enterprise level version with more interactive user interfaces. This lead to the development of PRICE-3 , which incorporates all aspect of management of public works right from the receipt of tapals requests for works, to design and estimations, approvals work flows, bidding documents with BoQ, tender approvals with pre-qualifications, work awarding with e-agreements, LoA & site handover, hindrance registers, recast/revised estimates, e-measurements, e-bill, integrations with other software systems like e-Anumathi, e-payments, BAMS, EMLI, BIMS etc. A Contractor portal is also available as part of the PRICE software system , in which contractors can login to view their works and do all work related activities online including contractor licence registration and renewals. The development of a portal for public to avail the different services given by the Department is also progressing.

Even though PRICE software was conceived and developed for use of the Public Works Department, the Government have decided to implement the same for all engineering departments and PSUs which uses public money for infrastructure works. This necessities a structured governing mechanism for the development, management administration of PRICE software and accordingly, Government vide G.O.(Rt)No.976/2019/PWD Dated 06/08/2019 have setup a governing mechanism for PRICE software namely PRICE- Project Management Unit as part of the e-Governance Cell of Kerala PWD. The PRICE PMU is responsible for the development and management of PRICE software in coordination with NIC- Kerala.

The PRICE Software development, implementation and administration is to be managed by a high level Executive Committee at Government level consists of Secretaries and other designated Officials who are directly involved in the administration and management of Public works. Under the High Level Committee, there is a Co-ordination Committee which consists of heads of Engineering Departments, Finance Department, National Informatics Centre Kerala, IT Mission etc. The Project Management Unit will be under the Co-ordination Committee and is responsible for the day to day management of development and implementation aspects related to PRICE software.

implemented departments

PRICE Project Management unit,
Public Work Department,
Government of kerala,
Public Office Building,
Opp. Museum Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala 695033

Price Project Manager
